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电影罗曼蒂克消亡史插曲MV上线 Take Me To Shanghai歌词试听(2)

2016-12-17 11:57 来源:北京信息港 浏览:
梅林茂先生为这部影片创作了一首新的片中曲就是这首《Take Me To Shanghai》,带着对影片的喜爱特意又邀请了Anna Rice 为歌曲填了英文歌词,甚至还特意去伦

梅林茂先生为这部影片创作了一首新的片中曲就是这首《Take Me To Shanghai》,带着对影片的喜爱特意又邀请了Anna Rice 为歌曲填了英文歌词,甚至还特意去伦敦的团队请来两位优秀的歌手来演唱本歌。程耳导演也对这首歌表示了很大的喜爱,并将歌曲放在了影片中极为重要的段落,阐释着女主角的心境。谁是谁的那瓢冷暖,谁又是谁的红尘看客?12月16日,《罗曼蒂克消亡史》邀你大开眼界。

男女歌者极尽诠释隽永之情 揭露《罗曼蒂克消亡史》的番外篇

长风破浪会有时,罗曼蒂克消亡史。《Take Me To Shanghai》是《罗曼蒂克消亡史》展示给观众的第一首歌曲,歌剧般低沉的男声和一开口就让人陷入的深情女声,两位外国歌者极尽地诠释交际花小六(章子怡饰)在经历了上海的所有过后,对这一场光怪陆离、波谲诡秘的上海往事的回忆与眷恋。

《Take Me To Shanghai》旋律似是沉重,但却一下一下敲击着人心,似念经一般地絮絮低语,又似满怀心事地呐喊,讲述心中放不下的上海和上海的人人事事。花痴的小六(章子怡饰)负责影片罗曼蒂克的部分,歌词中每一段往事的回忆不论是“幽影之城被自由笼罩,如同双翼被束缚的飞鸟”还是“斑驳街道,鲜血淋漓,死亡也无法将狂热平息”但歌者始终想要“带我回上海,带我回上海。”

John Hughes / Íse Downes《Take Me To Shanghai》歌词(电影《罗曼蒂克消亡史》插曲)

作曲 : 梅林茂

作词 : Anna Rice

John Hughes:

Liberty swathes this city of shades

Like gloves on the wings of a bird

The silken smoke of the words you spoke

Still rises where you lay

Take me to Shanghai

Take me to Shanghai

To the town where I belong

Ise Downes:

The pathways were red the lanterns alive

Diamonds adrift in the sky

You're standing here when I close my eyes

This slumber leaves me blind

Take me to Shanghai

Take me to Shanghai

To the town where I belong

John Hughes:

The night was mine to set alight

Every cord and every chain

Your hands were ice within the fire

And it burned like poison rain


The blood in these veins the streets that it stains

Fevers unbroken by death

Their shadows ride on this ruby tide

And the waves that toss my breath

Take me to Shanghai

Take me to Shanghai

To the town where I belong

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